Monday, 26 September 2016


gado-gado, is a healthy food typical Indonesia. there are some vegetables such as spinach, beans, sprouts, and carrots. other additives sliced ​​out, slices of tempeh or more according to taste. the spices used are smooth peanut mixed with water, then add a little salt. Food is becoming the favorite menu Indonesia, edible particular moment. weddings always serves as a complement to the menu.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


please help my country. their loss of family, friends and the things they love. We need doctors, medicine, baby food, and water. the international community for help to the city of Garut, Indonesia.

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Friday, 23 September 2016

Save Turttles in Kuta beach


My trip this on October 31, 2014. The tourist area is one of the pennant Sidomukti Nature Mountains in Semarang, located in the village Sidomukti Bandungan District of Semarang District. This tourist area with the support of facility & Services: Outbound Training, Adrenalin Games, Pool Nature Parks, Camping Ground, Pondok Wisata, Pondok Lesehan, and Meeting Room. Bannerman Sidomukti can be reached from the direction of Semarang to Solo, to find a gas station Weak brother on the left side of the road, turn right toward Bandungan. Until at Jimbaran Market on the left side, there are hints bertuiskan sidomukti on the right and uphill road. Along the trail there are several directions to get to the Garden Pool Nature Bannerman Sidomukti, Sidomukti Village, Bandungan, Semarang



This my second travel in Raja Ampat, October 2014 I to Raja Ampat. I am here to see PIANEMO, a small paradise on earth Papua. what it Pianemo? pianemo is a hill in a sea of Papua, this hill like Wayag. here there are children sharks, stingrays and some molluscs. from my sliding towards the port city, and there I climbed speed bot. It took 2 hours to get in Radil Raja Ampat dive resort, this 3-star resort atmosphere in a cool and natural (such bali). I stayed here three days, day one I use for diving and snorkeling. when the second day I headed pianemo it takes 1 hour. we must climb stairs may 200-250 to reach the top. after enjoyed the atmosphere there and then I go to a cave around the sea Raja Ampat, I forgot the name of this cave but according to the people of this cave is the cave of their ancestors. Here we found traces of the hands of the ancient times and there is a large circle with added 150 meters. Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this cluster is under Raja Ampat, West Papua province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. Four islands that are members named by the four biggest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, Salawati Island and Island Batanta.
( PIANEMO, ME With Alfian )

( Me and My Family )


This is the tradition of Indonesia, is used for certain iven. iven olden times used to marry and traditional dances. The object's name is "BARONG", made of wood and animal skin (cow / sheep). wood was carved and cut parts, and then covered with leather. color that is used is made of ink / color of natural vegetation. if you are to Indonesia, this tradition is on the island of Java (Surabaya city, the city of Yogyakarta, the city Ponorogo, Magetan city, Semarang city). barong players consists of several people, they attract follow the sound of traditional music. instruments used (Gendang, gamelan, gong and others). according to the community, barong have supernatural powers.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016


7 oktober 2014 saya memilih pantai klayar untuk destinasi, panytai ini teletak di kota pacitan. pantai klayar menyimpan sejumlah keindahan alam yang mengagumkan. Anda dapat menemukan pesona dan keunikannya pada hamparan pasir yang putih, adanya karang raksasa seperti Sphinx, air mancur alami  setinggi 10 meter, serta bebatuan karang dengan bentuk yang unik. Pantai Klayar adalah salah satu pantai di Jawa Timur yang menawan. Popularitasnya memang belum setenar Goa Gong. Tetapi secara umum, pantai ini sudah dikenal di kalangan masyarakat Jawa Timur sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata pantai yang menarik. 
negara indonesia adalah negara agraris, memiliki banyak pulau dan suku. ini lah negara ku negara REPUBLIK INDONESIA. jika kalian ingin kepantai ini kalian harus persipkan payung atau memakai sun block disini sangat panas dan angin laut kencang.

7 October 2014 I chose the beach Klayar for the destination, this beach town teletak pacitan. beach Klayar save a number of amazing natural beauty. You can discover the charm and uniqueness on the white sand, the rock giants such as Sphinx, natural fountains as high as 10 meters, as well as rocks with a unique shape. Klayar Beach is a beach in East Java charming. Its popularity is not as famous Goa Gong. But in general, this beach has been well known among the people of East Java as one of tourist destinations attractive beaches.

country Indonesia is an agricultural country, has many islands and tribes. This was the state of my country REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. if you want this kepantai you must prepare an umbrella or wear sun block here is very hot and strong sea breeze.


7. Oktober 2014 ich den Strand Klayar für das Ziel ausgewählt haben, diese Stadt am Strand teletak Pacitan. Strand Klayar speichern eine Reihe von erstaunlichen natürlichen Schönheit. Sie können den Charme und die Einzigartigkeit auf dem weißen Sand, die Rockgiganten wie Sphinx, natürliche Brunnen so hoch wie 10 Meter, sowie Felsen mit einer einzigartigen Form entdecken. Klayar Beach ist ein Strand in East Java charmant. Seine Popularität ist nicht so berühmt Goa Gong. Aber im allgemeinen ist dieser Strand ist unter den Menschen von Ost-Java als eine der touristischen Destinationen attraktive Strände bekannt.

Land Indonesien ist ein Agrarland , hat viele Inseln und Stämme. Dies war der Zustand meines Landes REPUBLIK INDONESIEN. wenn Sie dies wünschen kepantai müssen Sie einen Regenschirm vorbereiten oder tragen hier Sunblocker ist sehr heiß und starke Meeresbrise .